Shiatsu is a holistic touch therapy that originates from Japan, and is influenced by Chinese and Western knowledge. It is based on similar principles to acupuncture but the shiatsu practitioner uses hands rather then needles. Shiatsu acts to re-balance the body’s energy channels of vital energy (known as ‘Ki’) to promote well being, support good health and prevent illness. It’s application and use in the relief of physical and emotional dis-ease is as remarkable as it’s power in creating health and beauty through relaxation and the release of tension.
Why have shiatsu?
You don’t need to be ill to benefit from shiatsu. Cross European research by the European Shiatsu Federation shows that between 39-59 % of people who had shiatsu did so to maintain their health.
People from all walks of life see Dilek to improve their life from one or more of the reasons below.
- Problems with muscles or joints,
- Problems with body structure such as back pain or posture,
- Relaxation and relief of tension or stress,
- Low energy or fatigue,
- Problems with digestion, breathing or blood pressure,
- Hormonal balance and Menstrual pain,
- Emotional support,
- Self development
Dilek have been supporting people since 2011 to gain more balance in their health and life.
- Promote wellbeing
- Ease / eliminate pain
- Improve sleep
- Connect with deeper self
- Embody deep relaxation
- Increase awareness of all parts of the body
Shiatsu is known to benefit different body systems including nervous system, digestive system, endocrine system, musculoskeletal system are to name a few.

Ki is food,
Ki is metabolism,
Ki is also a concept..
Ki is an abstraction that straddles
inner and outer worlds because
Ki is the world created by the objective world
that powers our subjective world.
Ki is bio-electricity
Ki is visible through its effects, like electricity.
The effects of Ki is in our actions of the body;
sleeping, laughing, running etc.
Ki is the energy produced by each cell,
the binding force
between those cells and the work they produce;
Life Force
Ki is intelligent metabolism, team metabolism,
cellular energy, organ energy,
the energy of communication and of
intelligent cooperation.
Ki runs in the body in channels
that are formed in between facia."
Dr. Dan Keown M.B. Ch.B., Lic. Ac.